PS4 owns XboxOne

I don’t know if anyone has posted this, I myself have been a long time xbox member since the very first xbox but after being left disappointed with the big XboxOne reveal i was still on the fence on getting the new XboxOne or switching over to the darkside Sony but after watching E3 and seeing this my mind is 100% made up. #teamsony :thumbsup:

These type of threads will likely get closed soon enough :thumbsup:

You do realize this is an Xbox One thread right? Obviously not.

yeah i do realize its a xboxone thread. i am after all talking about the xbox one. does my comments need to be positive regarding the xboxone? didnt think so? just wanted to know what everyone thought of the video

You have betrayed the ultimate gaming console! and for what? Sony who have such a bad online service that they had to make it free?! Don’t do it, it’s not worth your time or money!

Well it’s a good thing you’re not diamond.

PS4 is going to suck… All it is a over price Blu-ray lol

microsoft have gotten to greedy making people pay full price for used games, and the whole having to connect every 24hr i’ll pass i’ll still keep my 360 but as far as next gen consoles go microsoft have really let me down with there console (not there games) everyone is free to make there own mind up i just wanted to know what everyone opinion was. i think sonys announcement will really hurt xbox one sales

What is so bad about that for you? I can understand it would be a very big problem for someone that does not have internet, but everybody that I know that plays xbox all have internet and are always online even if they are playing solo. If you don’t fall under that category where you don’t have internet or you can’t use internet with your xbox then there should really be no issue?

People form time to time have unforeseeable circumstances where internet goes out

PS4 is going to suck… All it is a over price Blu-ray lol

Atleast it’s 100$ cheaper then the Xbone’s blu-ray

But Ps4 are going to have **** servers and watch them get hacked again

No, it’s 5$ a month to play online games now haha.
You can only play single player games for free.

They made it free because like their console, they wanted something innovative and worth while to customers. Free online, a blu-ray player at half the price with a gaming platform aswell, it was a perfect idea on paper. They made the console which has amazing games and graphics, but they majorly ****ed up on the OS for the PS3 and didn’t realize how much power the PS3 would actually need, let alone that Blu-Ray players would drop in price and speed up in loading times, which I don’t believe Sony ever swapped the disc drive in the PS3, unlike Microsoft keeping up to date disc drives and swapping them with every new Xbox made.

So the Xbox One is 100$ more, but the PS4 is the over-priced blu-ray player? Lol… ok.

People need to realize that both consoles are great - but you choose whichever one has your friends on it and that you’re familiar with. Oh, and of course the exclusives you like. I’m going to be purchasing both, which I have no issue paying for PSPlus(I already have a year membership ATM) and no issue paying for XBL(Which I just redeemed another year, aswell). Both consoles will satisfy me, and I’ll probably be on the Xbox One more if all my friends have it, but if the online play is fixed on the PS4, I wouldn’t mind using it and meeting new people to play on there with.

You must be 10 years old… PS4 is going to have just as good servers, and they barely got hacked before. When Sony and Microsoft created consoles, they didn’t expect people to want to “hack” into them, or do anything security wise. Back then consoles were just consoles which people played games on. Let alone it was their first “online” console, as opposed to the ****ty add-on PS2 had.

If you truly believe all this, you really need to open your eyes and see both sides.

Basically, it’s 49.99$/year for PSPlus which has always offered you PS3 full games and add-ons, to old and recent games, and minor to major discounts on the PS Store. It’s worth it if you buy a lot of ****, as I’ve saved hundreds to a thousand or more just on PS1/PS2/PS3 games with PSPlus. If they keep it discounts and free games available when we purchase PSPlus, then it’ll be even more worth it.

A lot of people ***** and moan about how Sony gives us “older” games and discounts with PSPlus, but then they shat bricks and called Microsofts idea of 2 games per month(Same as Sony) brilliant and how smart it was compared to PSPlus… even though they’d offering games that are 5$ in the bargain bin at EB Games. :confused:

Lots of crybabies… I thought xbox fans were more open-minded… seems they are all the same

Do you only post in Xbox One threads complaining about people and calling them fanboys?


yea the xbox one is 100 more but dose the ps4 come with the there thing like the kinect what ever they call theres… No it come with 1 controller and the system thats it. But you are right both will be great.

MichMasteR when do you stop spamming? I think he is mad he can’t buy the new xbox. I can’t wait for you to get banned.

Yesterday I came on here and said Microsoft had an excellent press conference and I liked how they shown games, games and more games without the sports, live TV and kiddy crap and I stand by what I said however the Xbox One still didn’t impress me all that much and compared to the PS4 it looked mediocre.

Me and my friends are probably going to buy Playstations this year, simply because they seem more interested in games. I’m going to pick up a PS4 with Fifa 14, Beyond Two Souls and Last of Us, maybe Ghosts if my friends get it as well and GTA V.

Haha, so many hardcore Xbox fanboys. You can’t escape it, Microsoft’s conference wasn’t as bad as their reveal but it was still complete ****. It was essentially “Here’s a bunch of games you’ve already played, now on our new console!” and for all you morons faulting Sony over the hacking there is a tiny chance they will be hacked again, They’ve prob upped their security a ton.

Beyond Two Souls and Last of Us are PS3 exclusives. And GTA V is only for the 360 and PS3 (hopefully PC soon).