Re:Legend Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Thanks for the Update but Hp doesn’t work, won’t turn on the other cheats are fine.

Please add Pet mega exp? ,Let’s consider it.

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I’ve updated everything I can (both wemod and re:legend)
but “Easy Taming” doesn’t seem to work, I’m unsure what it’s supposed to do, as it doesn’t

  1. Change Magnus to be able to be tamed using any item
  2. Make it so you only need to use 1 item to tame a Magnus
  3. Instantly tame the Magnus as soon as you jump onto it to start the minigame

it would be nice to know what it was supposed to do, if it’s even working to begin with.

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I second this, and would love if we could get an EXP and Affection cheat for the Magnus. They’re pretty hard to level it feels like, and Affection drains constantly so unless you spend your whole day feeding and petting 20-100 Magnus they all hate you.

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I agree with this comment.

I agree with this comment multiplier gain affection the Magnus is very cool

Can you add cheats: Unlimited items like one in the version 3/30/2020. thank you

Pleaae add cheat Unlimited items like one in 2020. I can use it in cheat table 2020

Please, it’s possibile multiplier gain affection for the Magnus?
I’m freaking out to make them fall in love


First thank you for releasing Re:Legend game cheat, it helps me a lot. Next I will ask about Easy Craft. According to the principle of operation, you will easily craft without materials because it cheats that each material is 99, but when upgrading a house, the material requirement is 100, and that’s the principle of Easy Craft won’t work. Can you fix Easy Craft for infinite materials. Thank you

i also would like \easy craft to cover carens upgrade too so i don’t actilay have to have the item to upgrade also quick life skill exp