This is the official discussion topic of the Recipe for Disaster Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Unlimited Ingredients
2. Set Money
3. Infinite Stamina
4. Infinite Customer Patience
5. All Skills Are Level 5
6. No Dirtiness
7. Always 5 Stars Reviews
8. 100% Popularity
9. Stop Time
10. Complete All Objectives
11. Game Speed
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
02/14/2023 Started development
02/14/2023 Released trainer with 11 cheats
02/03/2025 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Hi! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.
Thank you for your reply.
I start up the game, open the story in campaign mode,
and resume from where I left off, and press F6 when I want to complete it, but…
it always crashes when I try to move on…
I just did as you said, and it still crashed.
The other cheats were already turned off.
Thanks for the information. Try to verify integrity files on epic games. Open the Epic Games Launcher >Find the game in your Epic Games Library >Click the three dots on the right side of the game line>Select Manage>Click the Verify button>Wait for validation to complete. It may take a while to verify all your files. Then force quit/close the WeMod App then re-launch the apps.
Apologies! I overlooked your response earlier. try to Verify integrity Files by right-clicking on the game and click Properties. Click on the Local Files tab. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. Then force quit/close the WeMod App then re-launch the apps. Please ensure that you are using the correct Game source which is Steam.
I’m sorry for asking so many times.
I tried it on Steam as you replied,
but it didn’t work as expected, the consistency was 100%.
Crash when pressing F6 to proceed or save
Or nothing will work…
Is there a problem with Windows? ?
I’m really sorry.
No worries at all. That would help if you updated your windows. If you haven’t already, please try adding exclusions for these two folders in your antivirus: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WeMod and C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\WeMod
Thank you
It still crashes, but now the message appears!
The contents are
Unity 2022.3.13f1_5f90a5ebde0f
That’s it, it’s a bit too difficult for me to understand…
This is noted. Can you disable all your AV software/ windows defender? Once done, please try to find and remove any WeMod-related files from your PC. Also, delete WeMod from the AppData directory and Squirrel from the temp folder. Then, restart your computer and attempt to reinstall.
sorry… TT
It doesn’t work, I got the same error…
Thank you very much for working with me on this issue.
I’m thinking of giving up…Thank you so much.
If I feel like it, I will consider repurchasing from EPIC… TT
Thank you for your reply.
Not at all! This is not something for Sephyyy to apologize for!
Both my PC and the other PC are running Windows 11.
Thank you so much for taking the time.