Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

no I don’t use any other mod outside of the trainer I only use this one, as for bufferin I will try although I don’t think so because my computer is not low category, I’m in the medium-high

Why is it Crashing the Game?

intel i9 13000

Hi there! Are you using the mods on a multiplayer/co-op mode?

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Single player only.

I download Flings standalone Mod from his website and that works. The one we have in WeMod is MrAntiFun one which does not work.

I tried everything suggested in this discussion (some old some new) and nothing fixed it for me.

For now I am using Flings standalone trainer. Hopefully the WeMod one gets updated at some stage as well.

I see. Have you tried launching the game initially (read before playing) and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

If that doesn’t work, Can you try to disable the overlay by clicking the slider off at the top right corner of the trainer, restart both game and WeMod App, then check if issue persists?

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Thank you for your suggestion. Disabling the overlay resolved the issue, and the game no longer crashes. I appreciate your assistance :slight_smile: Thank you so much

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Glad it worked! Enjoy :slight_smile:


im on story mode and for some reason im just stuck at one cent because of the set money mod (fixed it i just closed and reopened rdr2)

Hey, set money cheat does not seem to work.
I tried restarting a few times, I also made sure to follow the instructions on launching the game (I play via steam).
Infinite health, energy and such seem to work just fine.
Edit: I figured it out, I just had to spend some cash for it to update.

Cheats are definitely not working since last update of the trainer.

Hi! May I know if you’ve followed the read before playing instructions?

@Sephyyy yes I have. Also tried multiple other options. Unlimited items and Ammo still work but Player and Vehicles options arent running properly. Been playing with this trainer for a while. I think the issues started occurring after the map teleport option (which was broken anyway) was removed. Also from reading other comments people seem to be having hit and miss with codes - so, and excuse my ignorance with coding, maybe it’s when the code is ‘injected’/activated it’s not working properly?

Thanks for the information! Just to confirm, are the mods enabled but not showing any effects in-game?