Regarding GoW: Judgment Bans "Important to Read!"

[size=35]PM/Report any Gears of War Judgement Bans to me using this form![/size]

[details=Open Me]1.Reason
2.Did you use Horizon? :
3.Specific amount of stats (Estimated) :
4.How long are you banned for? :
5.Is it a Xbox and Game ban? : [/details]

Open Me

So know we know that you could get reset from editing your level… we just don’t know that if you could get banned from xbox live for doing this many times! Most likely you could so please be careful!
Hello XboxMB and Horizon users i am here to explain to you the risks behind modding your stats and such!
Careful Tips

  • When modding your rank : The Epic Ban hammer picks up when you skip ranks. So the safest way to mod your rank is one at a time. It’s really slow but still faster than doing it legit. I can’t make any promises you won’t get caught! (Requested and posted by Phobia).
    Members like “Phobia” have reported doing this in GoW 3 and never getting banned, but this is pure luck!
  • Modding the stats for Versus! - When modding your versus’ stats be careful of the certain amount you enter lets say you have 10 kills and you mod it to 100,000,000 you probably will get banned so have some common sense.
  • Modding your campaign stats! - When modding your campaign stats you also have to watch out for the high numbers, but its more high of a risk modding versus, than campaign. This still doesn’t mean you can’t be banned!
  • Always make a copy of your stats by just extracting it to your desktop!
  • If i was you i also wouldn’t use the developer badge or any Epic related items such as, camos and unlockables!
  • Also if you don’t want to get game banner and or also xbox live banned, then be careful what you mod :wink:
  • Another great tip will be mod your stats by like 100 a day its kind of similar to modding achievements modding them like 10000 at once will probably be noticeable.
    Important Things to know!
  • Horizon, XboxMB, or any of the developers are not responsible for any bans or resets that may occur to you or anyone on this website that mods their stats!
  • Do not post could i get unbanned from GoW: Judgement no one on the site could help you out with unbanning or setting you back to your stats, so do not ask anyone or post multiple threads about it!

Recovery Services

  • So lets just clarify some things with the recovery services! : Its not the safest thing out there, I am pretty sure that Epic could see or notice if you did, but i am not 100% sure!
  • What are the chances of getting banned? : The question is how lucky are you? That’s what you need its all luck if Epic notices it or not 50/50!
  • Did you do the rank transfer glitch? : I did the rank transfer glitch and for two weeks to this date I haven’t received a ban or reset, but THIS DOESN’T MEAN ITS SAFE I have seen people think they were in the clear and get banned it just matters if Epic themselves have noticed you did it!
  • Is there a way for Epic not to notice if you did the glitch? : There is no way anyone could help you if you have been banned or reset and or a way for Epic not to notice just hope for the best and just keep on playing Gears :thumbsup:
  • Did anyone else get banned? : I keep seeing these posts and questions about this and as of right now there is not reported bans or resets… doesn’t mean its safe though!

Also if you are not already a GoW fan, then you should learn that Epic is ruthless and will not regret banning you!

If there is another post on this sorry i did not see it!

Sticky plix D:

Another tip, when modding rank: The Epic Banhammer picks up when you skip ranks. So the safest way to mod your rank is one at a time. It’s really slow but still faster than doing it legit. I can’t make any promises you won’t get caught but I did this for Gears 3 and never got banned.

what if someone did the rank transfer thing how should i go about doing things

Well we didn’t receive or see any posts by the members of the site saying that they have got reset or banned from it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t!

Okay i will definitely add that thanks!

so should i not play for a while… what would you do if you were in my situation

Well it doesn’t matter if you play or not you will still have a chance of getting banned, i got the transfer from Hero and still didn’t get banned and i had it for like 2 weeks! :thumbsup:
Just don’t think that its safe it could go both ways 50/50

ok thanks alot

So what about the recovery services anyone banned yet from doing one of them bad boys? I’ve done it in GoW3 & Never banned tho i hear for GoWJ They are cracking down for this one compared to part 3. :o

No problem that’s why i am here!

Like i said before nobody has yet to report any bans or reports, but its still not safe!

Bans 9/10 times come from stats that just dont add up. Having 12th re up with less than 100 games played looks shady. If people who use horizon don’t cover every corner while modding gow games, as in modding the stats to the actual requirements or at least reasonable stats then they deserve a ban. I can’t tell you how many people ive seen over the year do stuff like “use epic weapon skins and medals online” then complain they got banned. It’s simple really, keep it realistic when modding stats.

I’ve literally transfer glitched hundreds of ppl with maybe only 1 or 2 bans total and that was because they wanted high rank with no play online what so ever.

I think the ban hammer will hit my second account in the face before long XD its still a fun ride now tho hahahaha

Common sense stuff for those who don’t have common sense it’s great. Good job!

I would just like to pinpoint this part of the thread.

You’re making it seem like they have an automated banhammer in which the moment you skip ranks you get banned. You can play offline and still rank up and so it’s not the rank they look at. It’s the stats which add up to your rank. This is primarily the reason why they don’t ban those who “rank glitch”, because it’s hard to detect them if they have legitimate stats. I don’t know - it’s just how I read it and I assumed you was making it out as if it was automated.

Take it up with Phobia that part was written by Phobia and thought it was kind of important, but they could notice somethings!

They do have an automated banhammer. My post was more like if you skip from level 20 to 2nd re up 50. I was just giving my strategy for Gears 3 that I managed not to get banned with. So if you want to be as careful as possible only mod one level at a time.

I mean i believe they have automated systems that track members they expect that are leveling up to fast or gaining multiple badges and or ribbons and keep track of that one person, but this is just my theory! :thumbsup:

They don’t have the time, money or manpower to monitor thousands of players like that. I’m sure they have some sort of enforcement team that uses an automated system to do their jobs. That’s the only way to possibly monitor all the players.

Yeah probably, but if anything all i could say is just be careful of what you mod and you should be safe!

Yeah I did the same thing and never got a ban til I used the dev skin, so you guys should be fine unless you like skip whole re-up’s.