Remnant II Cheats and Trainer for Epic Games

Remnant II
This is the official discussion topic of the Remnant II Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. God Mode
2. Infinite Health
3. Infinite Stamina
4. Fast Skill Cooldown
5. 100% Drop Rate
6. Max Critical Chance
7. Stealth Mode
8. Infinite Buff Duration
9. Set Player Speed
10. Set Movement Speed
11. Edit Scraps
12. Consumables Won't Decrease
13. Infinite Dragon Hearts
14. Ignore Crafting & Upgrade Requirements
15. Infinite Archetype Exp
16. Archetype Exp Multiplier
17. Edit Total Trait Points
18. No Recoil
19. Super Accuracy
20. Infinite Ammo
21. No Reload
22. Instant Reload
23. Rapid Fire
24. Infinite Weapon Mod Ammo
25. All Guns Become Fully Automatic
26. Super Damage/One-Hit Kills
27. Damage Multiplier
28. Set Game Speed


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 07/27/2023
    Started development

  • 07/27/2023
    Released trainer with 28 cheats

  • 09/10/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 10/31/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 11/05/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 12/12/2023
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 01/14/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 03/15/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 04/25/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/03/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 07/22/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 09/25/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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Check out all of the games WeMod supports here.


The Remnant II cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 28 cheats
1 Like

Would it be possible in the next update to add the feature to nullify weight? 0 Zero weight on?

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hi i saw you wanted to ask if there was any other mods we would like after the latest patch. if its possible do you think you could do 1 to lift the weight restriction so we can rock whatever armour we want without being weight burdened please

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The Remnant II cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
1 Like

Can we please get the trainer on the xbox platform?

1 Like

needs update please

Hi! Are you having issues with the trainer?

Would it be possible to add a cheat table for items, my game bugged so i cant get an item, would bve nice

hi, my game crashes when it starts.
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000098