Rise of the Tomb Raider Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Gotcha! Have you attempted launching the game initially on steam, waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world, and then opening the mods by clicking PLAY on WeMod App?

I think I did try, but I could give it another shot, to see if it works out.

I just tried that, and I still got killed instantly by a gunshot from Trinity.

I see. Can you try to turn off the Easy Kills mod and check if issue persists?

Well, I’m finding it amusing with how some enemies are unkillable, haha. So far seems to be working so far.

I can confirm that the game crashes or freezes, but even without that, the bugs still happen. So, the game itself is also at fault. It would be nice if the trainer got updated so that the values don’t interfere so heavily, but they work flawlessly. I can also confirm that some enemies are immortal, but if a melee option is shown, you can kill them. I personally find it annoying but also kind of nice.

Does NOT work properly at baba yaga, the 3 hunters become invulnerable.

I have that problem with the strongest enemies , they become Sponges and don’t get killed