Sniper Elite 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

WIll there be a fix for this game? Cause I can’t get past the first few seconds before the game closes

What will be fixed? The trainer is up to date.

Hmm. Seems to be infinity then. This game closes just after the logo is shown. Wolfenstein and assassins won’t work. So seems like there is some problems on my end

will this game get an invisibilty to enemies feature?

@STN tag him like this and you get answer

I read every thread here so there’s no need to tag me. This game is very old and unpopular so no

You answer faster if tagged :wink:

@STN if the game’s unpopular why are people still talking about it, and why are you responding?

Yeah a post every three months, the discussion is really getting out of hand here.

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There’s also not any Pro members asking for it. I would rather support those who support us.

And trainer is fine. It doesn’t make a lot of sense for me to add options to it when trainer has everything you will need.

I am responding because i respond to every thread and i read every thread.


bro get a life

If he had one you would not get any trainers. Bro grow a conscience.


Tried it, got heart broken. Life is overrated :frowning: Was fun though


im getting a kick out of some of the comments. you guys are awesome. thanks for a great trainer again STN.

Game has update at 2019 October 1 st.
Then appears I post picture.

Game has update at 2019 October 14,then game version from 64 bit became 32 bit and trainer does not work,please fix it.

Unfortunately the trainer dev is no longer with us. So until one of the others can make another trainer nothing we can do.
And also the game is not very popular last comment from yours was a year ago.

Mrantifun done this game trainer, maybe you can ask him to do the game game trainer.

If he has a trainer for the newest version of the game he will probably upload it to wemod.
He is in the process of updating and uploading his trainers to wemod.

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