Someone click this so I can give you $5 already

It’s that easy.
The prize will be like $5 or something. Paypal, Diamond, anything I don’t care how you want to do it.
If I like you, I might give you more. I’m not sure. I am indecisive like that. Deal with it.

Here is what you have to work with.


I will offer more information about what exactly you are looking for each day.
If anyone gets it off of just this. Then… I will give you a much bigger prize because if you can think that abstractly, I am amazed.

Just post your guesses below. You get unlimited chances. With that being said, don’t just spam random stuff in 80 different posts. Actually see if you can figure it out. Post multiple guesses at once. I don’t care.


numbers and letters

6 343439316 34336 353035396 647234796 3435687737

with out a key value you wont get far…

this is what i get with out it…


with key value 80


is it 3435687737

wat, it’s a hash

I ****ed up the up the

Edit :


check it out...

I look like your Avatar as im thinking.
I will update this post with my guess

It’s a 192bit hash. I think it might be Tiger.

6e343439316d34336e353035396e647234796d3435687737 - His [48 characters]
6d9d2fa5741f6a6f679724497636cfa3c23b4c99d660e1ca -Mine [48 characters]
Same length.

O well i “tried”

By Tiger I mean: Tiger (hash function) - Wikipedia

Anyway, everyone can guess if they want, here’s an encryptor. Encrypt your data using Tiger 192 algorithm

I think the message is the fact that there isn’t one, notice “” Around the word "Decode"
I think he just wants to see what crazy ideas people will come up with, If there is a code…i’d bet on everyone overthinking it. its probably more simple than we imagine

His message is encrypted with a hash, thus meaning you need to “decode” it to win. And no, the word decode isn’t it.

I think You completely missed my point mate,
I never said it was the word Decode,

Encrypted with a hash? lolwut.

A hash is one way.

Sucks my bawls, I’m too tired to think.

Looks like a bunch of rotated ASCII characters. Definitely not a hash though.

Figure it out and PM me the answer and I promise Ill buy diamond next month too <3

i ran it through a ASCII to text converter and got ???

it is a combination of letters that form words, encrypted in gay gypsy coding skills

i will take my payment.