J avais signale déja que les mods ne fonctionnaient pas , que les shaders avaient un rendu image exécrable mais suite a une nouvelle mise a jour de Stalker 2 le 20/12/2024 les choses se sont arrangées sauf que lorsque j active les mods l echelle des images est considérablement agrandi , comme un zoom maxi , c est injouable.
J ai essayé de paramétrer les options du graphisme et l affichage , sans succé.
Si je lance le jeu depuis Steam sans Webmod , depuis Steam ,tout est correct et fonctionne bien. Pourriez vous examiner ce probléme . Merci. Bravo pour votre travail Flying qui je le pense volontiers est extraordinaire.
Thanks for the advice bro. I realise this is an option open to me.
Personally I get bored of running out of ammo on bullet sponge enemies, and life is literally too short to have to faff about switching ammo types and scavenging and conserving ammo.
But hey, you play your way, and I’ll play mine. I just like using the trainer’s options that suit me.
Hey hey! FLiNG has fixed it! All hail FLiNG!
Wonderful job - just in time for my fortnight break over Christmas. My family will now see nothing of me during this festive time, for which I’m sure they also send their thanks to FLiNG!
Thanks for testing everything and posting for the rest of us.
Another update - 1.1.3
Haven’t had a chance to test the trainer however.
I am about to jump in and test it out now since the update. I’ll let you all know if it works. its a 9GB update.
All seems to work at this point.
Would happen to kniw why the infinate ammo does not work on lmgs?
Would you happen to know why infinate ammo does not work for lmgs? Pkm?
Happy Xmas RelativeDeer453!
I’m afraid I don’t use the infinite ammo cheat, so that one passed me by. Because I use the one hit kill cheat, I have about 60,000,000 rounds in my inventory for every weapon just from looting bodies and ammo boxes, so infinite ammo isn’t something I need to worry about.
Es wäre schön wenn ihr zu den Mods “keinen Fallschaden” hinzufügen könntet. dann müsste man nicht immer mit unendlich leben spielen! danke euch!
pirated version, but it make not différence, because they are not DRM
the trainer was fine before 1.03, and after that not, but maybe its a conflict with one of my mods who change certain value but i doubt, i have now the 1…1.3 , didnt play for a while so maybe its work again ^^
sell 95% of the extra ammo or stop picking it up.
There’s a problem with both infinite ammo and no reload. Tested both options separately. Either options convert whatever ammo type be it AP, HP (expansive) or flat into regular (ball) ammo. This is because I tried unloading the weapon which was just loaded with HP ammo during the test and instead of the HP ammo stack being increased, it was the regular ammo that increased instead.
Kinda defeats the whole point of having different ammo types, yes? For either one, can’t it just affect the amount of ammo in the magazine instead of changing the ammo type?
Unless it is actually a bug in the game, I would hazard a guess that when the game was being scanned for changes, somehow the code for ammo type was included instead of just the number of ammo.