Starbound Cheats and Trainer for Steam

love the table! wish there was a way for unlimited mech energy tho

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I find myself wishing for an updated/working version of the cheats in the old FLING trainer. The ā€œno darknessā€ was basically /fullbright without having to go /admin. Items not decreasing was always fun, and I frankly prefer items getting boosted to 250 over the -1 bit.

this trainer sometimes work, and sometimes doesnt work and also making the game crashes after playing a whileā€¦
any info about the update ? its been a a year and still no update ?


everything just doesnt activate no error no nothin thats all

Note:It did say PLAYING

Same as Redfromamongus. says playing, cheats activated but they do not do anything

Same as Redfromamogus and xpsycobunnyx. Says playing, cheats active, no effect whatsoever

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Requires update or fixing as cheats are super inconsistent on whether they work or not

Edit: To quickly help anyone who is having this issue, a possible fix is for you to load into your game and activate the cheats, wait a minute or two and you may be lucky enough to find the cheats finally work. Patience is key.

Might be out of date. Havenā€™t gotten it to work since I first tried it yesterday.

None of the cheats work so it might be out of date or maybe itā€™s just me


Iā€™ve been having issues for reliably having my cheats work.

Issues include:
Infinite Stamina not instantly taking affect. Not sure if thereā€™s any threshold i need to meet before it takes affect. (i.e. using an stamina based item or warping to a specific place)

Infinite Health not immediately activating, though normally will activate without fail after a small bit of damage.

Unlimited Pixels sometimes crashing when using pixels to buy stuff. generally need to disable it before i buy anything or do anything with pixels.

If anyone has any solutions for these, iā€™d love to hear them.


Please update, it causes huge memory leak when activated.


Thee cheats donā€™t seem to work at all, oxygen was lost, health was lost after the oxygen was lost, and energy levels went down.


update please :frowning:

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No update for two and a half years, despite a whole thread of people asking for it.

Oh and no, nothing on this trainer works anymore. Not a thing.


We need an Update :frowning:

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Please update, the trainer does not work.

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Please update

I dont know if anyone is still having Issues with the Starbound trainer but its working for me. Pixels and all.

Please update