StarCraft II Cheats and Trainer

(FatalSilence "Any chance you could add an option to add credits? ")

my thought too

Thatā€™s not possible. Everything in co-opā€™s data information on levels and commanders are server-sided. No local modifications or mods to it

Would also like to see a separate cheat for unlimited health only. The damage from the god mode one is kinda off-putting. Thanks a lot!

@MrAntiFun The trainer doesnā€™t appear to be working at this time.

Seems to work with current version of SC2

I couldnā€™t get it to work or even recognize the game despite following the instructions for linking the game exe. This may be a skill issue on my part then.

Hmmm have you tried selecting the exe in this directory?
C:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base91115 (should be something like this)

then select the SC2_x64.exe if you have 64 bit and the other one if not. Also, open SC2 up first (not the launcher but the actual game) then pressing the Play button on wemod. Thatā€™s how I did it at first.

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Thanks for the help.

Didnā€™t work for me. guess im out of luck.

Hi there. This cheat works for me. I am playing Wings of Liberty Campaign, and it works like a charm.

Anyway, might I suggest 3 more cheats specialized to each campaign? Resources cheats for specific Wings of Liberty, Hearts of the Swarm, and Legacy of the Void campaign. Example, WoL needs Credits, Zerg and Protoss research points. And LotV have the Solaris or something resource.

Also, at first I thought the cheat simply re-entering the text based cheat codes, but I can still get achievements.

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Welp, not to be a douche but is your game legit? It does not work with cracked versions since the exe apparently has unique identifiers which change when there are updates.

I donā€™t have any cracked games.
Itā€™s a regular bought copy that anyone else would have.

Also other trainers work for me. So no itā€™s not the fire wall.

Also yes I know where my exe files are to.

Trainer used to work for me but now it will only launch the battlenet client and not the game. Even when manually setting the game .exe it will only launch battlenet. Will not attach via play once the game is running either.

Hi, iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s any update for the mod comming? when u run the mod in co op it says that you have been dropped from the session

you arenā€™t suppose to play multiplayer with the mods, this is why you have been ā€œdroppedā€

Did you tried to start your game via battlenet, then activate the mods, its suppose to work

As i said in my post ā€œWill not attach via play once the game is running either.ā€ Clicking play only launches battle net. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something blizzard did when updating the client by changing the .exe to only launch battlenet. either way trainer canā€™t properly attach.

Unlimited Resources no longer works in campaign

Edit: None of these mods work in campaign any longer, 3/26/24

Attempting to use this trainer for campaign, none of the options work anymore, except for Unlimited Population, which now inexplicably removes the fog of war. While this is certainly useful, and I hope that it returns as a separate option to be implemented, it does not function as intended.

Edit: It also disables hostile AI apparently, preventing the enemies from fighting back. Melee, ranged units, none can target your troops, but they can fight one another if multiple AI are present

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Oh wow, thank goodness I already finished my attempted replay of all 3 campaigns plus Nova Ops earlier this month.