Stardew Valley Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Also the infinite items cheat seems to no longer work.

The cheat is still working correctly, make sure you follow the instructions in the cheat’s note.

I have done just like i previously have done to activate it but it doesn’t affect everything like it used to. Like it used to give u 99 of materials but now it only affects items u can actually place or use.

Not entirely true. For items you can’t “use” directly but are still stackable, just pressing the Use/Activate key/button will stack them up to 99. At least, it worked that way for me.

Have you kept the cheat toggled on when ‘activating’ the item, since it’s no longer an instant stack toggle?

Nothing gets auto stacked to 99 when cheat is activated for me. i have kept the cheat turned on after first activation. Also what is the use activate button?

For me, it doesn’t recognize when I try to ‘use’ the item by pressing the usual use button on my controller (the X button on an Xbox controller.) I have to use my mouse and left click somewhere to get the item to a stack of 99. I hope that helps you too!

I had the same issue. I resolved it by heading to the following location:

Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > click the ‘Open Windows Security’ button.

Once there, click ‘Virus & threat protection’ on the left sidebar > then the ‘Protection history’ link under the Current threats section. For me, Windows silently blocked some things believing them to be trojans. If you click on each one, then click Actions > Allow on device it should allow the trainer to activate without issues right after that.

For anyone wondering, the items Windows blocked as “Trojan:Win32/CryptInject!ml” when activating the cheats were in the AppData folder:


This is generally an AV issue. Add AppData\Roaming\WeMod\App\trainers to your AV then try again.

Yea Ive tried whitelisting this and it just keeps no going for stardew valley. the ONLY game its doing it for me

I have the same Problem. But with the older trainer works. Wemod is whitelisted on av.

How does the unlimited items cheat work as when I use it isn’t unlimited, any advice is welcome thank you!

Sorry if you got this already but when I use the cheat that makes skills level 10 it won’t let me choose professions later. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong and have done everything I can think of to get it to work. Any help is appreciated.


the unlimited health does not work for me, tried entering the mines and i still take damage from enemies. I’ve tried saving & back out of the game fully, all i got was the same results even tried turning on and off the unlimited health but nothing worked? does anyone else have this issue i wonder?

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Sorry, i would like to know how to solve this problem it only appear to stardew, other games are still fine

Whitelist AppData\Roaming\WeMod\App\trainers

Thank you

I have the same problem all of wemod is whitelistet but it dosent work

Can try to to use a different versions of the trainer under play is history click on a other one and try it. Cant hurt.

Yes it works the problem is only on the newest trainer

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