Starfield Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I also, can confirm No Recoil is malfunctioning. An update would be greatly appreciated.

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Has anyone had trouble with their game freezing and turning off when you customize a ship?

Not me. But then I’m also using mods from Nexus, like Starfield Community Patch.

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The Starfield cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Thanks for the rapid response. Can confirm it works for me.

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Are people still having issues with the No Recoil?


Thank you so much for the update, I appreciate it. :grin:

No problems for me after the latest wemod update.

I have the latest update (of WeMod) and I have the “no recoil” cheat active. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the cheat, but somehow I’m still experiencing recoil. I need to figure out how to record a video my game so I can share evidence. In the meantime, is anyone else experiencing issues?

@FLING, I understand why you remapped “Infinite Power” from “Numpad 3” to “`”, and “Infinite Jetpack Boost” from “Numpad 4” to “Tab”. Both are minor annoyances that toggle these functions whenever you either invoke the console, or close a menu. These are similar to the minor annoyances of mapping “Increase Movement Speed” to “1”, and “Increase Jump Height” to “WheelUp”.

All four of these key remappings are meant to gently (or not so gently) nudge someone into buying the paid version of WeModPro, to remove the minor annoyances.

The latest change, however, of mapping the “W” key to toggling “Spaceship Infinite Health” quite frankly crosses the line from minor annoyance to almost pure evil. The W key is used to move forward, and is generally held down. With this latest change, this causes the “Spaceship Infinite Health” to keep toggling on and off several times a second, beeping the whole time, and slowing down forward speed by about half. Please consider changing this back to the “Shift F1” button that it used to be mapped to, or some other unused or at worst lightly used key.

Thank you for an otherwise great mod/trainer.

You don’t have to be pro to remap the key bindings.
Click the box, remap the key, boom you’re done.

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Thank you so much for that info!

If Bethesda is to be believed, they’ll be launching new versions every couple of weeks so they can fix the %(**%(% bugs they should have fixed before launching in the first place. In any case, I know that a few Bethesda versions caused this mod to fail in spots. It might do so again.

I had to ask around. Apparently Bethesda only mentioned the “hotfix” on X. They were vague about it, saying that it’s to prevent “some quests” from being disabled, without actually saying what they were. I’d bet that whatever changes, it won’t affect this mod.

jai un soucis je doit relancer le jeux 11 fois avant qui debug quand je passe par wemod :frowning:

Avez-vous dĂ©jĂ  essayĂ© de charger le jeu d’abord, puis wemod ? et n’utilisez pas la bĂȘta wemod n’est adaptĂ© que pour les mises Ă  jour finales

Is there any chance you guys can unlock the Starborn 1 Trait? I can spawn Starborn ships, but for every Starborn weapon I try to slot on my ship, I can’t, as the requirement is always ‘Starborn 1’ Trait (but in red, as I am not Starborn yet).
Is there any chance the Starborn 1 Trait can be ublocked, like perks? I can spawn Starborn ships, but for every Starborn weapon I try to slot on my ship, I can’t, as the requirement is always ‘Starborn 1’ Trait (but in red, as I am not Starborn yet). I haven’t gone to NG+ yet, as I want to keep my ships.

I’ve done some more testing. The “no recoil” doesn’t appear to work with some of the special pistols that you get as quest rewards or that you might find in certain locations. For example, Keelhauler (ID xx8D850) or the Mutineer (ID xxCAB0). The “no recoil” seems to have no effect on these weapons. With rifles, “no recoil” works as advertised in my experience.

After the update, the unlimited jetpack boost no longer seems to work it instantly disables itself after being enabled


true i dont know if its been updated yet because the green thing with needs update is gone

anyone knows if its been updated yet ???

yeah it needs an update for sure