State of Decay 2 Cheats and Trainer for Windows Store

Winstore isn’t pushing any update for me so i have no clue what update you are talking about!. Is this your version or you have a newer version than it?

What does infinity say about your version and trainer?

i was on two days ago and it wasn’t working. I jumped on just now and it seems to be working fine now. Sorry to bother you i probably just had to update the trainer.

Wondering if you could add something to make traveling faster like super speed or teleportation. And also mission skipping if you cant make traveling faster its OK if you cant just a thought since the majority of my game is taken up buy having mission across the map and hate it.

I probably put to much effort into this but thought I should let you know

Fast skill gain is no working anymore.

Was there an update?

No there wasn’t. Activate the cheat then run or do something to gain the skill and see it go to max or higher instantly.

yeah works but i try it with another characters and did not work but when i switch it work anyway but for long then stop working dont know why thanks for everything.

I drag my game shortcut but nothing happens. Can anyone help me please? :slight_smile:

Get Winstone version or figure out how to make it work with cracked (others did somehow)

OK thank you :slight_smile:

Is there anyone in this forum who can teach me how to get the codex version to work with the cheat?

Drag the game exe into infinity.
State of Decay 2\StateOfDecay2\Binaries\UWP64

Thank you so much !!! grinning:


Thanks for the help but it has trouble finding the game due to my game being a Cracked game.

Start the game yourself then try the trainer. If that doesn’t work then tough ■■■■, go complain to codex not us.


Run game yourself then attach infinity. Disable your antivirus and add infinity to its exception list. Spam the Play key!

Also i know a few people managed to make it work with codex so it’s you. Figure out why it’s not working for you and try troubleshooting.

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unlimited resources no working.

On it