Steam has worst community ever my wemod thread was deleted

Harrasment , nonsense , non stop whining and bs. You get banned for saying i love cheats nd people get a way from far worse. I escaped that madness

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I learned a long while ago to avoid Steam’s community entirely. The chaos found there is just not worth it. Setting your profile to either “private” or “friends only” and only communicating with said friends and not randos will save you a lot of trouble and headaches in the long road.

I’ve been doing that for years and have never had any issues.

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I honestly think playstation has the worst community. It’s extremely toxic and the company give zero fks.

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You know, it’s actually quite funny this. I agree, however, there are more communities out there that are just exceptionally toxic/cancerous/choose your own adventure synonym here.

My main group of friends dubbed me CheatsyDoodles some ten years ago, and I guess I live up to that name now. Even when playing something such as League of Legends, try not to get into it with people. It’s best off that you just let sleeping dogs lie. Find groups that cater around you and you’ll be all the better for it friend!


It’s normal, like sex ; everyone do, but no-one talk about it ! :muscle:

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