Stellaris Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Today, 3.12.5 patch released.

The personal test results are as follows:

  1. God Mode - Available
  2. Unlimited Naval Capacity - Available
  3. Set Energy Credits - Not available
  4. Set Minerals - Not available
  5. Set Food - Not available
  6. Set Alloys - Not available
  7. Set Valatile Moles - Not available
  8. Set Goods - Not available
  9. Set Exoticc Gases - Not available
  10. Set Zro - Not available
  11. Set Nanites - Not available
  12. Set Rare Crystals - Not available
  13. Set Dark Matter - Not available
  14. Set Living Metal - Not available
  15. Super Max Resources Limit - Unknown
  16. Set Unity - Not available
  17. Set Influence - Not available
  18. Fast Construction-Recruiting - Not available
  19. Fast Station Construction - Not available
  20. Fast Research - Partially available
  21. Freeze Day - Unknown
  22. Console/Dev Mode in Ironman - Unknown

Needs to be updating is currently not working with the update

The trainer is currently in line for testing. If the team confirms the trainer is broken, it will be added to the queue to be updated.

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The Stellaris cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Unfortunately, the updated Trainer is only valid for newly created games, and historical game saves cannot be used.

Noticed same…
That when save was loaded and then activated WeMod itself after, resource mods didn’t work.

But it works if you start game via WeMod (press the “Play” button there on Stellaris page in WeMod software)
No matter if you start game launcher itself just by pressing that Play button on WeMod or if you start game launcher via Steam and start loading latest game save (by pressing “Resume”) just make sure WeMod is loading mods BEFORE save is loaded, meaning before you’re in the game session.

Oh, yes, it’s my fault

I cannot get it to work either. I was able to use Aurora Stealleris Trainer to enable Console Mode and infused them real time which was a breeze.

Well, not sure if it should work the way it is nowThat for being someone’s fault.

So, how mods mostly works for most of games having mods in WeMod, is that you first start the game you want to play with WeMod and even start game world there and then activate WeMod itself by pressing “Play” there in software… (That how I tried to start saved game, thinking it that you maybe tried it that way too)
But for Stellaris, for how it looks now, it seems being turned other way… You need start WeMod before game world/save…

Was it like “normal way” before? That I don’t remember as I took little break from this game and had it hidden in steam collection… Not even paid any attention for it back then when played it more actively, so even going to say “no idea if it is supposed to work that way”