Suggestions for game cheats

Suggest any type of update or thing you would like to add to a game

Game request have to be done through voting:

For additional cheats you need to post in the cheats & trainers thread which can be found by searching for the game here then scrolling to the bottom and clicking “Forum Discussion” above the download button.

Thanks but what i meant was that when you update the game cheats you add more things so i would love it if you added: Add dwellers to Fallout Shelter cheats. Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

As I said you need to post it in the thread for the trainer.


Would it be possible to see a cheat for Prey (2017) That makes you unbreakable when you’re in Mimic Matter form? It seems a lot of mimicked forms are not durable at all and you change back forcefully after just one hit. Especially annoying to get the Escape Velocity achievement when your mimic form breaks when trying to launch yourself. An unbreakable Mimic form cheat would be very helpful.

Don’t bump old threads and never read them to begin with.

@Chris close this please

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