1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Energy
3. Infinite Satiety
4. No Hunger
5. Infinite Stamina
6. Infinite Breath
7. No Fall Damage
8. No Inventory Weight
9. No Sunburn
10. No Dark Status
11. No Soaked Status
12. No Bad Statuses
13. Set All Collectable Resources to 90
14. Unlimited Collectable Resources
15. Harvesting Takes No Time
16. Building Takes Less Time
17. Crafting Takes Less Time
18. No Crafting Requirements
19. All Recipes Available
20. Unlimited Campfire Fuel
21. 100% Campfire Ignite Chance
22. Stop Time
23. Game Speed
24. Fly
25. Set Movement Speed Multiplier
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
04/20/2023 Started development
04/21/2023 Released trainer with 24 cheats
08/09/2023 No Fall Damage cheat added Game Speed cheat added
11/27/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/30/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Hi GreenHouse,
When I am using the mod I am unable to craft items on benches. It says there is no fire? I think there is also a dependency on certain recipes. Some are not present. If you want the exact error please let me know.
“All Recipes Available” works sporadically. Sometimes after loading I have access to all recipes and sometimes I can reload as I want, the recipes will not change.
i did a little troubleshooting because I was having issues with both things too. The two things that helped me have the all recipes and the crafting with no ingredients was this: make sure you are using the wemod trainer to log into the game and make sure you choose the unlimited collectable button and don’t choose the one to set things to 90. I have had 100 percent success since doing these things when playing this game and using this trainer. I hope it helps you too.
Hi, thanks for the Trainer.
Can we have please 1 more option: Durability
(dont lose any / or repair)
I use a other trainer wo have this 2 options:
set max durability for selectet item to 10000
fill the actual durability to max for selectet item (repair)
I use the other trainer (Plitch) only for this 2 options,
but this trainer needs many times over 50 attempts to attach to the game
Hey, ich habe auch festgestellt dass nach dem Update einige Cheats nicht mehr funktionieren! Bitte updetet den Trainer damit alles wieder funktioniert!! Danke!!
Kann ich dir leider nicht sagen,es kommt immer darauf an wie ausgelastet sie sind. Wenn du aber einen Fehler festgestellt hast, schreibe das bitte hier, das hilft mit zum Updaten!
Das ist nun nicht sonderlich bekannt, ich geh mal von einer woche maximal aus, wenn ich schon wieder sehe dass Arma 3 geupated obwohl man da gut was anderes für updaten könnte kommt mir alles hoch wer braucht denn dafür nen trainer mit mods kann man sich alles holen von god mode bis zu spawn menüs das muss doch nicht sein.