Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Cheats and Trainer for Steam

nvm got it nice work man

@jesseram3302. So …, its not bullshit then ? You where doing something wrong ?

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its says error when i try to lunch the game

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it syas we have trouble loading the cheats into yor game



Anyone use hack for SAO Fatal Bullet yet?
Is it safe? Can I get ban by Steam?
Please share experience, thanks.

Play it offline and you will be fine.

Ah thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t have released it if it wasn’t safe

Sorry for stupid question, but how do I disable EAC?
and what does backup SAOFB_Launcher.exe meaning? like make a copy of that folder?

Make a copy of that file.

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Is this for disabling EAC?

Just look up.

yah I chatted with STN, he/she fixed the thread, it make more sense now. Was so confuse before

Fixed the thread ? Its the same as it always was its simple to do she has the instuctions plain n simple

been waiting for this… :smile:

oh could you please add a way to multiply friend affinity levels?

thx a bunch :smiley: @STN

I don’t understand what’s happening. Cheats worked fine the first time I used them. Now Infinity fails to load the cheat table every single time. It’ll launch the game but the cheat table refuses to load, even if I try launching the game first.

Disable EAC

if that is disabled, spam the Play key. And disable your antivirus and add infinity to its exception list

I have disabled the EAC and the game starts up through Infinity, but the cheats won’t. The play button just keeps spinning, it never says it fails to load or anything, it just won’t let me toggle the cheats.

Disable your antivirus and add infinity to its exception list.

By disabling EAC, i assume you have replaced the game’s launcher.