SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection Cheats and Trainer for Steam

There’s a problem getting mods

What’s the problem?

le probleme est que on ne peut pas lance les mod care il detecte pas le jeu

could u add unlock all medals

how do you start the game in singleplay mode? i dont see an option for that

Steam should ask you this when you click Play the game on steam.

Alternatively you can change the properties of the game on steam:

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If you turn on single play and press play with WIMode on, it says there is a problem to bring up game mode

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I’d wait till you’re in the games main menu before you boot up wemod, maybe that’ll fix that error.

There are some issues with the flash kill function, as the actual effect is to lock the health to 1 to achieve a one shot kill. After our side is attacked, the health will also be locked to 1 point.

When using God mode and flash kill function simultaneously, there will be a situation where the player’s health is also locked at 1 point.


Trainer not working

Hi, the cheat are currently still working, even if the XP multiplier seem a bit sloppy sometime, but since this game require grind material, and for those who don’t have enough time, would be nice to add something like “Unlock all Medals” or “Unlimited Vessel” or (I don’t remember the name actually rn) “Unlimited RaidMaterial” (Each raid gives a drop of 100) because doing 100 runs for unlock one skill when you also have 10+ Weapons to unlock it’s kind of pain :skull: + 25 Run x Raid if you want to upgrade the leg. weap is kinda mind killing :skull:

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  1. God Mode=上帝模式???是無敵的意思嗎???
  2. Unlimited SP=無限SP
  3. Item Never Decrease=物品不會消耗???是無限物品的意思嗎???
  4. Unlimited Cash=無限金錢
  5. Edit Cash=編輯金錢
  6. Muliply Cash Get=獲取金錢倍率
  7. Multiply EXP Gain=獲取經驗植倍率
  8. Unlimited Skill Points=無限技能點
  9. Instant Kill=秒殺(這個有問題會敵我雙方都變HP1)
  10. Game Speed=遊戲速度

希望能增加=武器熟練度 夥伴友好度 等等

I want cheats that increase the number of items I have.


the multiply cash and exp and edit cash not working please fix them


So , theres this issue with Instant Kill option.

Once you reached your Max Rank while having Instant Kill on - you end up with 1 LP with the character that is max level.
Doesn’t affect other characters that are under the max level.
You are 1 hit k.o even with God Mode on.
I don’t think God Mode is reducing it down to 1 LP tho.

Pls fix. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Day 28 asking for an update

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hope this trainer can be updated, or have someone else to do so

The SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection cheats have been updated!


  • Unlimited HP cheat added

We did ask for a fix regarding max level and one hit kill - We did not ask to remove one hit kill … thats a downvote

Sorry for the inconvenience. Since there was a problem with instant kill and I wasn’t able to fix it that I have to remove it.