Test drive unlimited 2 Modded Car Save

Ok So this is a modded tdu2 car save it has the

Ferrari 458 ( PS3 Car )
Tractor ( AI CAR )
All Club Cars ( Owned And not in club ;D
All Police Cars
All Outlaw Cars
50 House
119 Cars
Legend Rank
All Roads Unlocked And More =]

PLAYERSAVE Link :smiley:

http://www.mediafire.com/?bdlopy88vdzrs71 Tractor Mod ;D

outlaw and cop cars no wai !!

Downloading now <3

Downloading now <3

Nice Save

Bump for anybody else :B


Thanks Bro, Keep it up!

lol where can i find the tractor?

What’s the tractor called ingame?

Thank bro. Using now.

Updated OP With Tractor Mod ;D

Do you still have everything else and can you swap cars or is it if you select different car you lose tractor?

In The First one you have everything and in the 2nd one you don’t have cop cars and 458

Okay, what about the tractor can you switch cars and keep it?

Yeah you can keep it. It’s there for life really :smiley:

im way to new here, can anybody please explain me in baby steps how exactly this works?

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