wait till tomorrow or Saturday as it is first on the creators tab.
Infinite crafting materials would be amazing to have
I agree. Those screws go fast.
no reload messes with the bow with the missing arrow after the first shot after equipping it
i have already on steam game but wemod cant see it i select the manuel game folder in game exe but not working
The The Last of Us Part I cheats have been updated!
- Unlimited Stamina cheat added
- Ignore Crafting Requirements cheat added
- Edit Supplements (Skill Points) cheat added
- Edit Parts cheat added
- Edit Alcohol cheat added
- Edit Rag cheat added
- Edit Sugar cheat added
- Edit Explosive cheat added
- Edit Binding cheat added
- Edit Blade cheat added
- Updated notes
The Ignore crafting requirements option does not seem to work
Sorry, my problem, I found that this refers to crafting in a backpack. Is it possible to add the option to ignore the workshop crafting option please?
Hi! Whenever im trying to open the game with WeMod,the game opens normally,but at the trainer after a few seconds of loading it says that it couldn’t start the game… Something like that,why is that??
just one question , is table crafting working ? , i always seem to be 0 on tools material , can never upgrade weapons at all.
Can we have an option for weapon upgrades
You have to have some parts for the “Edit Parts” option to work.
There is one. It’s the “Edit Parts” option. Put it at 900 and you are good to go.
Hey there just wounding if any one is having problems with wemod for this game because i hit play from wemod and i get into the game in like 5 to 10 mins i get a crash and a report from naughty dog i have uninstalled and reinstalled some what am i doing wrong can anyone help
I’ll add to the unlimited throwables problem. Makes you throw 40 at one time making it useless.
Hello I would like you to add CP Points in the main menu in option and one bug i found actually on turning on unlimited ammo. When i throw a grenade or molotov there are thousand coming together at one time it even crashed the game. Please fix this by allowing the player to throw only one item at a time it spawns many molotovs
i actually do have over 1-5 of each part or at least did have some of each part , the issue i have is using the upgrade table for the weapons , each weapon requires a tool to progress , i’m unsure if ignore crafting requirements covers this also, if so ,then it is not working for me at least .
This is part of the main game. Eventually you will come across tools that upgrade it to level 2 and level 3. I don’t think they can make a cheat option for this
Yeah same for me. It happens when I kill an enemy or gets killed by the nail bomb. otherwise the game doesn’t crash.
Unlimited ammo doesn’t work for the flamethrower. Just FYI.