Toggle on switches

i cant change the hot keys to them and it just stays on guide and wont let me change it for my games

Ya click on a hot key and then re assign what button press you want

i’ve tried that

Solution 1) A possible solution would be selecting the option and pressing “delete” (this will clean the key) and then assign key.

Solution 2)
->Delete Cache of infinity.

  • Run ICDV2 tool - - ICDV2.bat -
  • Go to your %appdata%/Daring Development\Infinity folder and delete it.

Solution 3) (Solution 2 extended cut)

  1. Unistall infinity
  2. Delete the installer you were using.
    3)Delete Cache of infinity. (this is an overkill step but might be worth it)
  • Run ICDV2 tool - - ICDV2.bat -
  • Go to your %appdata%/Daring Development\Infinity folder and delete it.
  1. Download infinity again and install.

ps: Solution 2 helped a fellow korean user (@shlee227) so i would give it a try

how do i use it

never mind