Torrented games

can this app work for torrented games?

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Yes and no. Pirated games have different folder structure and file names so Infinity has a hard time “understanding” some/most pirated version.

so do you know if it works for dark souls 3 ?

you should try launch your free version, and then starting infinity once you played a little

ps: make sure is a version with the latest update, but might or might not work with an outdated version

thankyouuuuu i will try that and if it doesn’t work i may need a little more assistance :wink:

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btw i guided the app to my dark souls folder and it does come up under my games in the app

all I had to do was just move the file that I downloaded the torrented game from, to the document files and open the file through infinity.

this is what the app looks like it says start game so is it all set ?

Yes. If you have the same version as steam or closer to it, most cheats should work

thankyou im about to re-download so it comes with most recent updates

thanks again all for helping me out i really appreciate it and will share this app

it is working but there is a problem lvling up my charecter… when i put souls into my lvls and confirm it it just refunds the souls and doesnt level me up at all

some cheats dont working is expected in a different free version, althou what you saying reminds me this comment @Petora made about it,

oooohhhh tyyyyy

and thanks for thanking :slight_smile:

this community is the nicest ive ever seen XD

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