Total War: Warhammer III Cheats and Trainer for Steam

The game was updated with a new patch on May 14, is the modification still compatible? update

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Why does unlimited HP and morale STILL apply to enemies as well? I’ve seen this problem for a long time now and still no fix.

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The trainer occasionally apply unlimited health to enemies as well. Would you be so kind as to check this trainer over and do some bugfix/optimisation? <3

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Hi there! May I know where did you purchase your game from?

Steam. It happens very rarely to me. Only twice or thrice since I started playing again about three days ago. Mostly during sieges.

I’ve only used infinite health in combat and unlimited ammo, so I can’t speak for the rest of the mods.

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I am reading through the Mod and there is no way to increase many of the faction currencies, for instance I like to play wood elf campaigns but I cannot just add amber like the chaos factions etc. Can we please update this Mod so that it can generate each factions specific currency. Specifically the Wood Elves Amber because it just doesn’t make sense we have some and not others.


canopic jars are another one we don’t seem to have any control over? Will these be added eventually ?

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i want to see elf influence and supplies

i cannot add Oathgold with this wemod , or influence with high elfs or other stuff, can you guys please add that option to this mod


Edit Devotion
18. Edit Glory
19. Edit Skulls
20. Edit Infections
21. Edit Devotees
22. Edit Grimoires
23. Edit Souls
24. Edit Eye of The Gods
25. Edit Raw Materials
26. Edit Armaments
27. Edit Conclave Influence
28. Edit Labours

what does it mean with all this?

Edit canopic jars Oathgold High elf influence Wood elf Amber and Could These be added

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“Edits Soul” is not working?

I am playing with Belakor in Immortal Empires.

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HI, noob query, Lords & Heroes: Edit Skill Points not reflecting, other cheats like edit money, edit skull works. Kindly guide.

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I have encountered some minor issues with certain options in regards to specific factions.

Namely, the Unlimited Battle Health and Max Morale/Leadership not functioning when turned on with the Beastmen, and the Edit Funds and Unlimited Movement not activating at all with the Vampire Counts. With other factions, the options work fine, which I suspect makes this issue somewhat odd.

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I just played vampire courts last week, and it worked fine. I don’t suspect this is an issue that is affecting everyone. Before that, I played one of the beastmen, and i had no issue with that race either.

Indeed, your issue is somewhat odd.

Yeah, the fact that it was somewhat racial specific had me wondering if it wasn’t just something broke that particular time. However, I thought I’d mention it to see if others were having similar issues, just in case.

I have indeed a similar problem lately. I played Skarbrand for weeks and a few days ago i noticed that the unlimited battle health/max morale cheats take 2-4 minutes until they start working. first i thought its because i was fighting chaos dwarfs, but then the same thing happened against vampire counts and lizardmen. something doesn’t seem to be right.

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Warhammer 3 got updated today, some stuff not working anymore


Game updated on July 23, and the update seems to have broken things a bit. I’ve tested a few different races, and have been getting basically one-shot during the initial battle of a campaigns… With the Unlimited Health option turned on.

Quick edit: Testing based on waiting until actually in the campaign map before pausing and activating WeMod trainer.

Edit Again: Further examining on my end has shown that some of the Campaign map options sporatically only “show” the effect, but does not actually trigger. As well, the in-battle options seem to work for a time, but then randomly switch to working for the opponent, and against me.

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unlimited health in battle also affect enemies


Hey since the update added a new curency could we get unlimited high king edicts and grudges for the dwarves please.