Two Point Hospital Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hi, the cheats worked for me perfect till the last DLC “Speedy recovery”. Now they are working too, till you go into the first new rescue operation mechanic. Only from this moment the freezing issue is a problem for me. Only the new 3 hospitals are a problem, because of the new mechanic, think the old ones are still running well.

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It would be perfect, if the great maker of this mod could say, if the latest version includes the new DLC “speedy recovery”? There are not only some new game mechanics which are causing the freezing problem, there would be some new cheat options very nice.

For the old hospitals before “Speedy recovery” there is the cheat “max up reputation”. But the 3 hospitals have an emergency reputation (and many things more!), too. Would be nice, if there would be a working update with some new options). Thx a lot!

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Hi, you just need to turn off the easy diagnosis, save your game, quit to menu and go back to the level you were playing.

Really appreciate this mod, Does not work with Speedy Recovery though.

Hopefully @MrAntiFun you are able to give it some attention when you get a moment. Love your work.

can we please have a ‘need toilet’ cheat, the new dlc where it requires toilets to be unblocked is a nightmare.


July '23… still can’t play the DLC content, “speedy recovery” with the mod activated. The cheats I had on were Unlimited Energy, Hygiene, Happiness and Instant Training. Nothing else. The people just run on the spot and the game becomes unplayable :frowning:


I can’t still play with the trainer, because I’ve got the game at GOG. :frowning: Can you help me?

please update, unlimited health patients did not work for me :confused:

thank you for this mod btw!

So… 3 hours of my life were killed by this mod after I clicked on Ctrl+F7 - all rooms were disappeared. Do you really think that I want to pay for THIS?

Would it be possible please to get an option for “max attractiveness”? One of the most frustrating requirements for obtaining a star is getting a hospital up to xx% attractiveness, especially when the items that provide the most attractiveness, like plants, often start wilting before you can get the number up as high as you need it. Thanks!

Mods keep turning off randomly during game play, and won’t turn back on. Frustrating when building hospitals with certain mods turned on, only for them to turn off mid-level and screw up ability to meet star requirements.

Also downloaded the in-game overlay and it doesn’t work/show up.

Bumping this cause I’m having the same issue