Ultimate General: American Revolution Cheats and Trainer for Steam

game seems very dead not alot of updates or activity/announcments from the devs via steam.

tips for people looking to get some cheating in that isnt covered by the trainer:

All muskets, cannons, supplies, and resources can be isolated and edited with cheatengine or any similar memory editor. You will need a MINIMUM of 5 of the item to be able to isolate the correct value in my experience, though once you find one it makes finding the others easier because they have similar memory addresses. The scan type should be left on the default of ‘exact value’, and the value type should be set to float. Simply do a search for however many of the item in question you have in storage, then buy or sell some of that item (*because it’s a float and not an absolute value i find you need to go at least +/-3 to achieve a meaningful result), do a next search, and repeat as needed to isolate the memory address, then change the value to whatever you want. This also works for reputation, money, construction materials, and specialists.

An alternative method to using cheatengine to improve your game experience is to cheat by editing the available workforce in settlements. This time the value type for our search is 4-byte, not float. Select a settlement on the map, note the workforce, do your 4 byte search, then do something to change the workforce number (recruit or disband a company or regiment), do a next search for the new value, and repeat as needed. In my experience this value is easier to find than the float values, as most of the time it only takes one change and next search to get a single result. Adding more workforce to a town has a number of benefits, including more base ‘financing’ income, more tax income, more income from the merchant stall building line, more recruits available to fill out units, more construction points for both settlement buildings and regional improvements, and more dockyard points for repairing ships. Beware losing modded towns to the ai though, it WILL make use of all those recruits if it gets the loyalty to recruit there.

Cheatengine and wemod do not always play well together when both are active, so I recommend you load up a save without wemod, make your changes with cheatengine while the game is paused, then save and quit, close cheatengine and fire up wemod, then play on.

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This mod just needs fast research for the campaign and it will be perfect for me.

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