What is the exact build, and version number of your base Operating system ? Which OSs are you booting in DUAL BOOT mode ?
Are you running Infinity as an ADMIN, or a normal user ? Try both the methods.
Open INFINITY, and press CTRL+SHIFT+D combination key, and see if there are any Errors or not, when the game has been launched ?
What happens if you launch and attach INFINITY, after you have loaded any particular game’s campaign mission ? Are all the games installed on the same hard drive as Infinity ?
Kindly disable the User Account Control/UAC Windows setting.
This could also be a WMIC issue, so try restarting the WMI service as well as update the variable path via WMIC, if need be.
Infinity uses the above service wmic to properly detect games. Do not run Infinity as ADMIN. You can launch the game though.
Try to change your user variable PATH. Go through this topic: