This is the official discussion topic of the Urbek City Builder Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Set Food
2. Set Work
3. Set Wood
4. Set Max Food
5. Set Max Work
6. Set Max Wood
Important Notes:
Click here to view important information about these cheats.
A house must be constructed before the mods will function.
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
07/30/2022 Started development
07/30/2022 Released trainer with 6 cheats
05/02/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements Updated notes
Thank you, works great. Looking forward to updates on this one with possibly having more cheats for the resources unlocked later in game (ie: Energy, Steel, Coal, Iron, etc).
Would it be possible to update this trainer with the higher-level resources? Like @cvragar mentioned above. This would ultimately mean all these values are controllable:
-Skilled work
-High skilled work
Using just the starting resources doesn’t do much in later stages of the game. Thank you!
Hi, just to confirm if you have tried the read before playing notes for the trainer. Also, could you please provide us with more info about the mods that aren’t working on your end? Can you activate them, and do they stay toggled On?
Yes I built houses before activating the trainers. Every mod isn’t working. Set food, work and wood as well as set max food, work, and wood. When I press the “set” button, it doesn’t stay lit but maybe it’s not supposed to? It flashes red but only for the length of the click.
Hi! I assume you purchased your game from steam. Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.
Gotcha. try to Verify integrity Files by right-clicking on the game and click Properties. Click on the Local Files tab. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. Then force quit/close the WeMod App then re-launch the apps.