V Rising Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Edit 2: Putting this at the top; it appears you just need to give the machines enough material to make more than a single piece, sorry I jumped the gun, it’s working fine. (You also seem to need to have “Unlimited Items” active)

As of 5/31 the “Free Production” cheat still isn’t working for me, but others are like skill cooldown. I was using it over the last week or so before the recent game update, and figured I’d just have to wait for the cheat update, but no luck. Thanks for all your hard work MrAntiFun, hopefully you can give this another quick look if you have the time.

Edit: Right after the game update, pressing f7 would make both the on and off noises, indicating it wasn’t compatible I think. Today it stays on, but machines still eat ingredients.

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“Free Production” still broken

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Hey guys I can’t disable the speed mod for some reason and I tried looking through the .json file but I don’t know command line to reset. Can anyone please help?

EDIT: Fixed. Guess I just had to dash and then it reset?

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Here I have some wishes that you can put in.
Which makes our game much more fun.

  1. 100% Blood Quality on enemy.
  2. Defense Multiplier And Damage Multiplier.
  3. Skill Points Multiplier.

More suggestions will come later.

unlimited items and free productions no work in some workbench especially in Research Desk

Is it possible to add an “Make Resurrect” option? When I die, I can click this button to resurrect immediately.

I can’t figure out what I 'am doing wrong to use the mods. Can you make a step by step video or something please?

The instructions to use this mod seem to no longer apply.
The screenshot showing to enable Solo Play only no longer matches the menue choices to start a private game, rendering this unusable.

buged! F8 and F5 are trigering at same time when presing any of the two buttons. Tried changin to another button, and the still triger at same time. And they are not working any more. Yesterday they worked in game, but today items and consumables are consumed. Hope you can fix it, thx

hello, I started the game in solo mode, and with the latest update, three cheats are not working:

  1. Unlimited item production
  2. Free crafting
  3. Unlimited consumables

They are not working, and it’s not just me my friends have tested it, and the issue remains. We made sure it was set to solo mode.

When will this be fixed?

today game was updated and many options are not working any more, not even the infinite blood. BTW would be awesome if u can make an option to get highest quality blood. Thx, you the best!

Hi, I wanted to ask you a question. Do Unlimited item production , Free crafting , and Unlimited consumables work? My English is a bit bad, sorry in advance.

Started playing with cheats everything was fine got through the first two acts no problem then all a sudden the items, production, and consumables are 30/70 cheats work. can plant fine but refining or crafting take away goods.

Will Achievements get disabled after we start using the mods?

I played V Rising with the trainer mod yesterday, I got achievements without any problems.

everything seems to be working well except “Free Production”.
doesn’t seem to be working. Otherwise everything else is fantastic

any plan to add blood quality cheat back in? I used to use it all the time in the previous versions. Also, free production does not work for some of the crafting stations.

so, I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong but whenever I reload my save n move before activating the trainer it acts like it’s not activated. I’ve launched the game through steam and followed everything you are supposed to do

None of the cheats work for latest Steam version

I just tried it with the latest steam version, and all cheats works for me.

Ensure you’re not trying to activate the mods until after you are in-game, and ensure that the game/server is set as “Only for Solo Play” when you create it.

Worst case scenario, my guess is that something else is blocking your WeMod.