If some options are not working they may need an update, I’ll reach out to the team and see if they can replicate the problems! Sorry for any inconvenience.
The Void Crew cheats have been updated!
- Ignore Perk Requirements cheat added
ship HP and defect not working currently either
I love the trainer, but is it possible to make B.R.A.I.N. turrets? Thanks
Hello, i would like to know if by using this trainer in solo games, and then in multiplayer. Will the upgrade on my character still be there? Would i be possibly banned in multiplayer servers?
The Void Crew cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
The mods to set alloys, biomass, infinite health, and no hull damage don’t seem to be working.
Mods need updated after last update.
I played around with the trainer for a bit and ended up with -102304320 experience, has anyone experienced this and might know of a fix/way to revert it or am i stuck at this level forvever?
Would really like to see a cheat for Gift of Metem quantity
i have the same problem but i have the double of negative xp from you. It would be nice if it gives a way to fix that. A cheat that does reset the XP would help with that.
Any chance for an update to get some of these working again?
Hi, It’s currently in the testing queue. After it’s been tested, it’ll be considered for the creator queue if it requires an update. For now, you may want to use the Notify Me
button once you clicked Learn More
if you would like to be informed when updates are made.
What needs to be fixed: (what i tested) edit alloy amount does not work
what works: infinite oxygen, edit player speed, repair without mini game or need a hull repair kit. infinite skill points
i’m not sure how you’re patching it, but with BepInEx/Harmony i found if you modify CG.Profile.PlayerProfile.get_UsedPerkPoints to always return 0 AND Gameplay.Perks.PerkTreeUtility.ValidatePerkTree such that pointsSpent = 0, you can give yourself infinite Perk points at the console in the Hub.
also ClassAbility.Update to set CurrentCooldown to 0.0001f as a prefix will allow always-up Abilities.