Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Is it still working for you? and which method did you use?

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Playing right now.

I launch game with steam once Iā€™ve loaded into the game. I hit play on WeMod

Do you have mods installed? If so that pops up even when not using wemod.

Can you make this work for epic games? People forget space marines is also on epic games :T PLEAAAAAAAAAASE

After running the bypass, If I want to go back and run the game with out mods and be online how do I do that?

You canā€™t. As it has been stated, no matter what the operations is online multiplayer. And unless the Anti-Cheat is removed. They have said they will not be making any changes at all.

People. Yā€™all just need to move on from trying to use WeMod so much on this game. As it has been stated unless the Anti-Cheat is removed they wont be making any changes to it at all.

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Ive been playing offline only for sp & operations. (We had mass flooding here and internet is down for couple months or more). Wemod works for sp easy. Not for op. I recieved mutiple requests from NM & DC to mod this game. So I did. Ive got all the cheats wemod does & works for op too. The game detect modified files so doubt will work online. Had to do the same for the 1st game. I think this is the road we need to take. I love wemod and appriciate the work they do and thank you. Even wemod has their limits & rules. Which I respect.


Hey is there any news on why Wemod for this game might not be working?

wanted to try it out on the campaign so I donā€™t mind offline, However Iā€™d like to hunt some achievements (campaign again).

Iā€™ve tried the following: Launching from the app (wemod), from steam and then alt-tabbing, both with and without the bypass .INI. To no avail. I also tried to turn my Wi-fi off (which Wemod seems to not like) and also launched the game with steam in OFFLINE mode.

Whenever the .INI was changed to the bypass I got the Game Modded message (donā€™t have any other mod installed). Without the bypass Wemod simply wonā€™t stop loading or straight up tell me it canā€™t load and brings me here.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: great work youā€™re doing!

mise a jour requis please :smile:

No matter what I do activate while loadet into a mission or in the main menu as soon as I click on play on the trainer the game crashes