Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is not a bug. You are playing in a modded realm so you will not gain XP or items.

Wemod Team have news about update?
@Chris @STiNGERR

Same for me

progress doesn’t save after mission, crashes after the mission please fix this


Not work

It’s not about ‘not working’ or ‘progress and achievements not saving’, since the game counts as multiplayer game they will not make the cheats for official realm because that would mean somehow breaking through the easy anticheat so… all in all… if you wanna use these ‘trainers’ you can turn on modded realm and have fun there, try stuff, learn stuff so you can be better in official / casual realm

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even so, using the trainer will make your character cannot earn any experience, take no any loots, and the game will deny any progression you did.
never mentioned that you will play this game alone because there will nobody can join your game.

Suck Trainer

Good afternoon, I want to play with a friend on the official servers with a trainer, he knows but I can’t, it says error