Hi! May I know if you’ve followed the read before playing instructions?
Also, to add and ensure the mods take effect, please follow the mod instructions provided.
Unlimited Money: Spend money in the game once activated.
Unlimited Tech Points: This takes effect when tech points have been consumed.
Can we add Unlimited AR Cloak Duration, Unlimited AR Cloak Cooldown, Unlimited Car Abilities, Unlimited Special Abilities (aka hacker skill) for all characters that have their own special abilities, Unlimited Drone Range, Unlimited Drone Health, No Wanted Level, Fast End Search (when cops are searching for you), Teleport to Waypoint, No Turret Gun Overheat, Pocket Watch instant cool-down (could pair with Electro Fist Cool-down) and Freeze Hack time. @FLiNG
I don’t know what changed here but I can’t get WeMod & DX12 to work in this game anymore.
I have this in the launch arguments in ubisoft connect:
-dx12 -BattlEyeLauncher
- I click play in Ubisoft Connect, the game launches with DX12. I Alt+Tab (or use mobile app) to hit play in WeMod and I immediately get the banner below.
- If I click in WeMod, the game will launch with DX11, not DX12.
- If I switch from DX11 to DX12, the game has to restart, which disconnects it from WeMod. If I click Play in WeMod while the game is running, I still get the same WeMod banner.
What am I doing wrong?
Having same problem. Game will restart in DX12 with Ray Tracing but without WeMod activated. Closing game and rebooting within WeMod boots up DX11 with Ray Tracing Greyed Out. For some reason Game and WeMod won’t communicate to activate DX12.
Downloading same mod settings from FliNGtrainer.com gives me this in Malwarebytes.
Malwarebytes Scan Report 2025-01-16 024712.txt (2.1 KB)
False Postive?
Can we get some help from a Moderator/Developer for this issue above posted by MBarrett024 and myself?
Hey! I’ll let the team know and we’ll have someone test it. Once tested and confirmed not working, it will be added into the queue that needs updating.
check again, not work in 2025
Someone please clarify my doubts regarding Watch Dogs Legion Trainer update. Is it working perfectly or not? Latest version 1.6.3
If not working then please update the trainer.
Nothing yet sadly, been trying to use the Trainer yet keeps starting the game without the WeMod working.
Yip!, I’m currently getting the same issue myself. Soon as I press play on the game through wemod, it goes to launch the game but it doesn’t launch the mods with it and keeps saying to launch through wemod first. Which of course that’s what I’m doing.
Please Wemod Staff
update the trainer.