WeMod Interactive Map

Perhaps add a function to the Interactive map allowing users to submit missing locations.
For example: I found several hidden stashes and armor that were not labeled on the map.

Of course these submissions would have to be reviewed by moderators, users would need to send screenshots of their location and the object.



Welcome back to the community and thank you for making a suggestion.

This looks like a good idea. I can see three issues with it that would also need to be mitigated:

  • Spam - With WeMod being the most popular PC cheating software, it’s quite possible for the team to become spammed with submissions, which will take their time and focus away from other areas.
    Possible Solution - Limit the feature to Pro members. Do not allow new submissions if there is already one pending for that location.

  • Other Mods - Items added by other mods, such as from NexusMods or Steam Workshop, can confuse users who think it’s a vanilla game item, leading to quite a few “false” submissions. For example, this would be common in heavily modded games like Skyrim and Fallout.
    Possible Solution - Similar to the one above.

  • Randomisation - Some games place items into the world randomly, rather than in a fixed location. Especially newer open-world types of games such as Forever Skies. This again can lead to the team getting a lot of “false” submissions.
    Possible Solution - Do not allow user submissions to be made for games that are known to be procedurally generated or spawn key items in non-fixed locations.

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I do not think the “Pro” will be a good solution, as that just limits the data pool to very few people, you’ll still have a lot of missing information. More people means more accurate data.

  • SPAM
    To prevent Spam, yes there could be a system/script that checks for the Item Name + Location, to make sure there is no overlap.
    Another way to do it would be to have Volunteer community members check these claims, or even open these claims to the public with some checkmark ex:
    See Community Map labels
    Allow the community to moderate itself in some way.

  • MODS
    For Modded items, I think much like how you expect people to “Use Cheats at your Own Risk”, you would expect them to Know what mods they put into their games. I mean if I put a “Shrek Boss” in Skyrim, of course I’m not going to mark it on the map.
    Although to “idiot proof” this you could add a small Survey for submissions:
    Is your game modded? yes/no
    Is your game cracked? yes/no
    Game version? ex. 1.0.3
    And then of course the Community Volunteers will double check their label to see if it’s accurate.

    For Randomized spawns, there are countless Interactive maps out there that still Add these items, like on MapGenie for example. They usually put them under a separate Tag like Random Spawns or Misc or just List an Area/Region on the map where that item can spawn.
    Even if an item is “Random” technically speaking there’s still a limit as to Where and How that item can spawn in the game’s code.

you can even draw a Circle around the location highlighting the area like World of Warcraft’s “kill X in this region” quests where they mark an entire valley of enemies.

Of course you can always test and try various methods and see which works best.