I have been using Wemod for a long time and it has always worked well. Since a few days I can’t start the application on my PC. My system, antivirus, etc. are unchanged. I have also checked that Wemod is on the allowed programs list of Norton Anti-Virus. I have deleted Wemod from my PC and tried to reinstall it, but Wemod setup.exe doesn’t work either. Nothing happens when I try to start the installation process.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get it working again.
Hi there! Try to fully close WeMod app using task manager, then find and remove any WeMod-related files from your PC. Also, delete WeMod from the AppData directory and Squirrel from the temp folder. Then, restart your computer and attempt to reinstall.
Download and install the WeMod offline installer: https://api.wemod.com/client/download
Then try running the installer as an administrator to give it the necessary permissions. See if it helps.
I deleted all WeMod related files and managed to reinstall the program. It worked until I rebooted my computer. Now I have the same problem again. When I try to start the program I get the message: An error occurred while loading wemod. You may need to reinstall the app. This is really frustrating.
same here. At any time, or any reason WeMod closes i must uninstall everything Wemod then task manager Discord ( idk why but yes i have to do this first before restarting my pc) then restart my Pc. WeMod has to be the first thing i install before opening steam or discord. Then if anything happens to make it close i have to do it all over again…
May I know what Av software are you currently using?
Need help with the exact same thing
Hi sephyy
I am facing the same issue the wemod app is not working tried reinstalling it and multiple methods that are available online nothing works. It happened after windows 11 update came. Rest everything is working fine but not the wemod. I also deactivated my mcafee defender. Restores the quarantined file. Still nothings works. Please help
when i open game and then click play button for a few second wemod is crash.i was just update window for 2 day
i close my antivirus and allow wemod in firewall byt it still dont work
Just to confirm, is the issue happening with a specific game, or does it occur across all games?
@Sephyyy all game. Both epic and steam
When you mentioned that you turned off your antivirus, did you also disable Windows Defender? Sometimes, Windows Defender can still interfere even if other antivirus programs are turned off.
@Sephyyy I turn off microsoft realtime antivirus and i have no other antivirus progam.
Have you also tried restarting your PC?
Yes many time
I think i have the same problem with him
Can you try to disable the overlay(if applicable) by clicking the slider off at the top right corner of the trainer, restart both game and WeMod App, then check if issue persists?
Well it work now and i dont konw how. Thanks
I use Norton 360. We Mod is in alredy in the allowed programms list with the correct folders.
Thanks. May I know if your Windows Defender is disabled?
Yes, Microsoft Defender is turned off