Hey guys I dont know if this is in the right section but when I try to buy a game on demand I get this “Can’t retrieve information from xbox live try again later.” It’s been like this for 3 days now anyway for it to let me buy it?=\
Did you try buying from Xbox.com?
Yes it just says sorry.=\
Recover gamertag or restart your router/modem.
Its a connection error.
Tried both and it still wont work
your credit card sucks
am i right
LOL no.
I’am using microsoft points too smart one
Contact Microsoft? They might have some more info on the subject. Maybe create another account and buy it on that.
Will try but im just going to try it agian when im home because im at my family’s house with really slow connection.
I had a glitch on my profile where it wouldn’t let me buy gold or deprive me of my gold. It’s normal now. Might just have to wait for it to pass over.