Xbox 360 still

how to install mods form flash drive
help plz

Please be more specific.

I have gotten files for a website for borderlands 2 and im tryinging to be abled to plays these update on my xbox

Your writing is awful. I can accept bad spelling but not wrong words. It will be impossible for us to help you if we can’t understand you.

oops my bad i was typing to fast and i didn’t check for mistakes. But yea i got some mods files form this one website and im trying to find out on how to add them to the game so to say b/c i have a disc and i want to know how to do it.

You need a modded console (jtag, rgh, etc) to install mods. With a regular console you can modify the save and get some of the dlc (which was released drm-free) but you can not add unoffical content.

oooo ok thxs