Xbox One Modding Status


Ok but about how long will this take

Top men worked on your question and the following answer is what they found out:

42 what?

Cows? I would offer 42 cows.

Itā€™ll probably take a few years, it did for the Xbox 360. But it could be quicker as well. Itā€™s impossible to say.

Not necessarily, it took less than a year for the king kong exploit to be discovered, so we never know. Iā€™m sure their security team has learned a lot since then though.

Nice, surprisingly I did not know about that King Kong Exploit and enjoyed reading about it over the past 10 min.
Hereā€™s the IVC Wiki link if anyone wants to check it out:

Can you please explain a bit further if you can what this link info means, thanks.

To be real honest, its probably meant for developers. Its in the JSON format, and it has to do with game data.

Kinda, its a response from the Xbox LIVE Servers.
Its interesting that they have so many different Images stored for each game, and of course the XVC at the end :wink:

NVM, Iā€™ve seen this before, check for a post with my researchā€¦

There should be some smaller ones if you dump your HDD.

Heres some interesting info I have (will update with more when I have time)
First off, a partial dissection of the license policy ticket

LPT (LicensePolicyTicket)//parts are separated by dots
		'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IlYxIn0',//this is ALWAYS the value of the first part, I have tested this multiple times, and it is even consistent across networks (pnet and prod)
			//At first, this may look like gibrish, and may seem to be one big hash, but this is not so.
			//The first bit 'eyJ' is magic, 
			//the three letters which follow the magic are unknown in purpose
			//the three letters after that are the file format! (Vhd), sometimes it will be xvd
			//The last characters always seem to be: dLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMiJ9
		'<43 character string>'

Will post more when I get time, I donā€™t usually comment, I just code :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The request type is ā€œ/media/en-us/detailsā€ json, and the parameters are ids, IdType, DesiredMediaItemTypes, MediaGroup and ConditionSets

My eyes are bleeding now, Unknown, keep us in the loop of what you find bro.+

Thus far, this is the important stuff:
//At first, this may look like gibrish, and may seem to be one big hash, but this is not so.
//The first bit ā€˜eyJā€™ is magic,
//the three letters which follow the magic are unknown in purpose
//the three letters after that are the file format! (Vhd), sometimes it will be xvd

		//The last characters always seem to be: dLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMiJ9

If I was a coder I would know what youā€™re talking about but this right now is jebberish.

With the recently announced expandable storage update, Iā€™m hoping we can finally see some mod support for the One.

We need either a software or hardware exploit to dump the XVD keys, thatā€™s currently the sticking point.

Weā€™ll have to see. Based on how the security on the HDD seems to be setup, I donā€™t know if external storage support will be able to help us get the exploit(s) we need to dump the keys as they can just encrypt the USB files by partition, since the key can be the same for all Xbox Ones.

lets see what our major has to say