Yakuza 6 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Yakuza 6
This is the official discussion topic of the Yakuza 6 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. God Mode/Ignore Hit
2. Unlimited Health
3. Max Heat Gauge
4. Unlimited Stamina
5. Empty Stomach
6. Set Drunk Level
7. Unlimited Weapon Usage
8. Unlimited Items
9. Edit Money
10. Edit EXP (All Types)
11. One-Hit Kills
12. Damage Multiplier
13. Karaoke: Perfect Combo
14. Dart: Always Win
15. Batting: Unlimited Balls
16. Batting: Max Home Runs
17. Batting: Max Score
18. RIZAP Training: Freeze Timer
19. Clan Creator: Max Deployment Points
20. Clan Creator: Max Exp
21. Spear Fishing: Unlimited HP/Oxygen
22. Spear Fishing: Unlimited Ammo/Spear
23. Spear Fishing: Max Score
24. Spear Fishing: Max Exp
25. Cabaret Club: Max Love Gauge
26. Live Chat: Freeze Timer
27. Live Chat: Max Love Gauge
28. Set Game Speed


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 03/25/2021
    Started development

  • 03/25/2021
    Released trainer with 14 cheats

  • 03/30/2021
    God Mode/Ignore Hit cheat added
    Max Heat Gauge cheat added
    Empty Stomach cheat added
    Set Drunk Level cheat added
    Unlimited Weapon Usage cheat added
    Edit Money cheat added
    Edit EXP (All Types) cheat added
    Damage Multiplier cheat added
    Karaoke: Perfect Combo cheat added
    Dart: Always Win cheat added
    Batting: Unlimited Balls cheat added
    Batting: Max Home Runs cheat added
    Batting: Max Score cheat added
    RIZAP Training: Freeze Timer cheat added
    Clan Creator: Max Deployment Points cheat added
    Clan Creator: Max Exp cheat added
    Spear Fishing: Unlimited HP/Oxygen cheat added
    Spear Fishing: Unlimited Ammo/Spear cheat added
    Spear Fishing: Max Score cheat added
    Spear Fishing: Max Exp cheat added
    Cabaret Club: Max Love Gauge cheat added
    Live Chat: Freeze Timer cheat added
    Live Chat: Max Love Gauge cheat added
    Set Game Speed cheat added

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@MrAntiFun Is it possible to put like a cheat for the Baseball Substory with like a exp multiplier for it or the tickets

Does this work for GOG version?

Hey there, you can try to link the game manually. But the likelihood of success is low. Also, we won’t be able to assist with any issues you may encounter bec. you will use a platform different from the recommended one.