2 day gold code giveaway :D

Hey guys im giving away a 2 day code all u have to do is make a good yo mama jokes or a normal joke lol and ill pick the winner tomorrow!!!:lol::lol: also if u can give me some thanks for the giveaway that would be nice :smile: labogain wins!

Why does everybody like Frosty the Snowman? Because he is so cool!

Yo mamma so stupid it’d take her 2 days to figure out how to load a game after redeeming a 2 day live trial.

Yo mamma so stupid she got locked in a grocery store & starved to death!

here is a funny one yo mama so stupid she bought tickets to xbox live lol

Yo mama is so stupid that she tripped over a wireless network.

yo mama so stupid she got hit by a parked car hehe lol

  1. Yo mom is like a cake, everyone gets a piece!

  2. yo mom is so stupid, she started looking at an orange juice carton because is said “Concentrate” on the side.

  3. Yo mom is so stupid, she tried to put a bag of M&M’s in alphabetical order!

Wow, I had to really search my youthful memories for those!

yo mama so stupid she thought fruit punch was a gay boxer
yo mama so stupid she sold her car for gas money
yo mama so stupid she thought
yo mama so stupid she tried to climb mountain dew
some good ones lol thank if u like any lol

Ain’t nobody got time for that. ;T

Yo mama’s mouth is so big that she speaks in Surround Sound

u win :smile:

yo mama so old she sat behind jesus into 3rd grade.

yo mama so old her birth certificate says, "expired’.

did anyone get the code?

I did ! Giveaway has ended !

Congratulations Labogani. Closed.