7 Days to Die Cheats and Trainer for Steam


I do not play this game so I am unable to answer you correctly.

However, from experience in other games, flying up is usually attached to the jump key (normally spacebar) or the letter Q.

Thank you @Ravenfyre ! Jump was the key alright. Now how do I come down without having to turn the F5 key offā€¦heheā€¦ that was painful :smile:

Fly down is usually crouch (normally CTRL or Shift), Z or E in most games, from experience elsewhere. :slight_smile:

Ahh, makes sense and that works a lot better than turning off F5 to get back down to earth! :blush:
Really appreciate you taking the time to help on such trivial things when we need it, @Ravenfyre. Thank you again

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Also, while on the note of the flying mechanic, you cannot go through a door while flying is enabled. You can simply turn it off and then on again if you wish to go inside a building or structure.

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You are most welcome indeed. Glad to be of help. Enjoy the game. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing that tip too @iiAmYou. :+1:

Clicking play doesnā€™t work for some odd reasonā€¦ was working fine earlier today.

@Ravenfyre & GamerLuk86,
Something I learned when asking for help or have a question is to start your message with an @ to the person you need to get your message to. Using the @ alerts the person you are asking help for or to get your message noticed.
I only wish I knew this a long time ago. I always thought they didnā€™t bother or care that muchā€¦ but I was wrong, sad to say. Maybe one day the message boards will ā€˜stickyā€™ a big bold header for all readers (new and older ones like me) who are not aware of this text-tool might consider adding it :slight_smile:

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uma dica de comando que poderia implementar no trainer de 7DTD seria o no recoil e no spread acharia legal isso ou tambem mira zerada. espero ter ajudado.

Hello folks.
The Infinite Health item is not working as highlighted by a number of people. Nor does Infinite Items. However Infinite Stamina, Food, Water and Flight are OK - but that is about it.
Are there any plans to update this to fix the health issue mainly?

I canā€™t get unlimited items to work

When I launch the game from steam, I donā€™t get the game launcherā€¦ it just throws me into the main menu. Am I missing something?

You should get this popup when you click play in steam. Select show game launcher


I actually donā€™t get that popup, I had to go into local game files and run one of the other launchers

Unlimited Health and UnDetected By Zombies donā€™t work. Is an update planned?
And maybe with more mods/cheats? Increase Level etc.?

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add skill points cheat

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If I disable anti cheat can I still play with my friends?

Yes, unless you play on a rented server with AntiCheat

Letting you know that the Unlimited Health and UnDetected By Zombies donā€™t work. Will mods stop these from working?

I dont think unlimited items is working how do I do it?

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