AC Black flag

Does the trainer work for uplay version of black flag or only steam?

When you own it on steam, you need to open Uplay before you can play the game.
So i believe its the same version on both Steam and Uplay.

Therefor i bet it work for both :wink:

I thought the same thing! but it keeps crashing as soon as I activate the trainer :confused: everything is ran as admin as well, but I also get the error saying that your game is a newer version and make cause crashing.

Could be a newer version of the game was made after the traier for the game was made.

Maybe @STN can look into it :wink:

Which options cause it to crash? The trainer should work or at least some, if not all of the options even if your game version is different.

If it crashes the moment you click Start then something else is the issue.

tried adding money it crashed, turned on unlimited health crashed(sometimes). if I don’t have the trainer running the game runs smoothly.

infinity also gets shut down.

Can you pm me your game exe please ?

Every other cheat works for me besides the money cheat and infinite resources.