Adobe CS6 Lanuage Pack

Hey Xboxmb,

SO ive been googling around for a little while now to try and find a English Language pack for Adobe CS6. Mines currently in Dutch and i need english.

Does anyone here have the Language pack?
Ive been told its called: tw104281.dat


This is from adobe photoshop cs6 but should work I think.

This still appears to be the Dutch FIle. Maybe my info was incorrect?

anyone with Adobe CS6 might be able to upload their file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Locales\en_US

Or any other Adobe CS6 Folder?

Here ya go, I pulled it out of mine, and it is 100% english:


If that still doesn’t work, open the pack.inf, which is in the same folder as the tw10428.dat, and make sure that it says:



hey…i’m looking for the dutch language pack but have a working english one. Can we trade ?
so, i have the tw10428 = english …

look in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Locales\en-Us\Support \Files … for W7 64 bit
for 32 bit it shoud be in … Program Files (x86) …
Don’t forget to trade also pack (setup data) …

Sidneye: i will send it as an attachment with an e-mail from [EMAIL=“”]; so, please send yours …

Thanks, this helped me change from en_GB to en_US. You wouldn’t think there’s much difference, but actually the default photoshop size is different in the UK than it is in America.


Glad I can still be some sort of assistance! It’s crazy, 4 years later and my post is still helping people!

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I only have English Hebrew and English Arabic. Checked the locales folder and those are the only options. Even after reading these threads, I can’t figure out how to get en_US onto my computer. If anyone would be kind enough to reach out to me directly, I would really appreciate it because I am sure that I have more than one question. Thank you!

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