1. Set Food
2. Set Wood
3. Set Stone
4. Set Gold
5. Set Max Population Cap
6. Reset Population
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
11/16/2019 Started development
11/16/2019 Released trainer with 11 cheats
12/18/2019 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
01/22/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/23/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/01/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/04/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/04/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/02/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/08/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/29/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/23/2020 Instant Win cheat added Updated notes
08/26/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/24/2020 Unlimited Food cheat added Unlimited Wood cheat added Unlimited Stone cheat added Unlimited Gold cheat added Max Population Cap cheat added Unlimited Population cheat added Fast Upgrades cheat added
09/25/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements Updated notes
11/18/2020 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
01/26/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/13/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
06/16/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/10/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/10/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/06/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
11/20/2021 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/01/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/01/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements Updated notes
06/02/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/01/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/19/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
12/11/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/05/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/06/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/10/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/22/2023 Set Food cheat added Set Wood cheat added Set Stone cheat added Set Gold cheat added Set Max Population Cap cheat added Reset Population cheat added
04/18/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/17/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
06/06/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
06/28/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
09/09/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
11/03/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/14/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/01/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/17/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
The moment WeMod is launched, you begin to scroll to the left indefinitely while in-game. This happens with or without anything activated. It seems to react to the WeMod app (even on the app’s dashboard). Not sure if this is a code hiccup or if the game reacts this way to third-party programs. Hopefully it can be remedied soon.
Either way, speedy work as always MAF.
EDIT: You have to restart the entire game even after you close the app. Restarting the scenario/campaign/standard match doesn’t remedy it.
i may have encountered a problem the trainer opens all alright and launches game as well
i see playing is checked but options dont work
i click on unlimited health for ex F1 it checks then unchecks on its own
so i dont know if its a problem caused by my pc or its just in the cheat
btw i was playing normally last night and no problems
Well if you used it last night then we know its not the trainer.
Maybe kill wemod in the task manager then start it back up again
You are using the steam version of the game ?
yup the steam one
and i tried almost everything killed the wemod delete and reinstall again nothing works
its just the cheats turn off automatically idk
I just tested the trainer and it’s working perfectly. Please make sure you’re on the latest RETAIL copy of the game and try again. This trainer is also made for the Definitive edition so it may not be compatible with the regular game
two days ago the Trainer worked fine, but today (after build 34223) wemod says “game not installed”. In Steam I repaired lokal files for the game. But don’t work.
When I use fix in wemod and put the *.exe manually it works, but it shows “not installed” yet.
i do have DE,but sorry it was my bad i have the earliest V of the game and the trainer i guess works with at least later compatibility,
thank you soo much
No problem that’s why we are here. The trainer was updated to match the newest version of the game. I’m guessing you dont have the game from steam ?
Anyone else experiencing the issue with “Unlimited Heath” cheat where it bugs out the health bar, and creates a long visual HP bar upon taking damage?