This is the official discussion topic of the
Alice: Madness Returns Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Infinite Health
2. Set Teeth
3. Infinite Ammo
4. Game Speed
5. No Floating Gravity
6. Set Jump Height Multiplier

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
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The Alice: Madness Returns cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 6 cheats
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oh thank goodness im so excited
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Ist nicht schlecht, dass es nun auch Alice Madness Returns im Sortiment gibt, nur hab ich bemerkt, dass das Spiel sofort nach dem HauptmenĂĽ abstĂĽrzt sobald man es starten will.
Mir ist bewusst, dass dies noch getestet werden muss aber wollt´s nur mitgeteilt haben.
the game crashes cause its weird.
try setting ALL your settings to the absolute lowest before starting and then up the graphics again when your in the game.
Hi there! The trainer says it is unable to open game and then proceeds to launch the game but without registering through the trainer 
I must say I am absolutely thrilled that you have created this mod for my old fav game! Please don’t stop. That being said, the infinite ammo does not work. If it is supposed to give you infinite rounds of ammo and no cool down, doesn’t work. The others seem to be working. The jump/float is especially helpful. Please don’t stop working on this game! Thank you!
Great work on modding this game! Only got one suggestion that would be great with this mod. Ability to jump in the scenes you can only walk. No idea if it’s possible but I like to glitch out of bounds since uniquez glitch club for ps3 Home when this era game came out.
Thanks for saving me the headache of creating my own. But it seems the inf ammo only partially works certain enemys deplete your ammo and once its out it doesnt refill.
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@GreenHouse Are you going to make the mods available for the EA side as well??
you need to fix infinite health. i still died with it on.