Hi, i was wondering if it is any way possible to limit the speed that an xbox connects to the internet with.
the reason i am asking this is because in COD: modern warfare 3, there is this thing called lag compensation, and its much more noticeable than in the previous games. basically it punishes players who have a good connection, as it basically gives those with a bad connection a 1 to 2 second advantage to compensate for there slow connection, leading to things like emptying a full magazine into an enemy and not killing them while they kill me in one shot
I cant do this through a router either, as im in the dorms at school and dont have access to the equipment there, and we also can bring routers into the dorms and even if we did they wouldn’t work
so i was wondering if there was any way to mod the xbox or even if there are adjustable settings to make it limit the packet size or MTU or something similar like you would do with a router.
either that or can someone recommend me a wallhack or something so i can even the odds lol
i would, but like i said, i live in the dorms on campus in my school, meaning i have no control over the internet there, so i was wondering if there would be some way i can do it on the xbox’s end
You can choose the amount of bandwidth certain devices take up on your internet, call your IP or router company to ask how to do it.
For example I have about half to my xbox
1/4th to my computer
less than 1/4th to the other computer
and the rest goes to any other device that connects on my network
Bridge your connection though your pc and use a firewall like zone alarm to ip filter. for you download netlimiter to limit the network speed your xbox gets.
Theres really nothing you can do about it. I had submitted a reply in another thread about this problem and I have researched this for what seems forever. Its not fair but its the way it is with MW/ black ops games. Its all about location and connection.
I know its the most frustrating thing and I wish you luck.
I have changed everything, every way possible plus I changed to fiber op internet. Went through 4 routers. Spent hundreds in techs to come to my home and still nothing.
You will get slight differences but like I said before its all about location, location, location. And the perfect connection. Too slow from the start and your screwed and too fast you get lagg compensation from xbox live.
I do wish you luck though.
If there is a lag compensation then if you lower your connection it will be for no reason. it gets s host and you run off him. they try to make everyone at the same level so if you lower and go below the average then it will only cause you a loss.if they take it away then it will turn into counterstrike (for PC) your skipping and there gliding and killing you. You cant make any changes to the router that is owned by your school without there permission.you will really just have to deal with it. don’t lower your speeds. its also based on your ping to the server. so it may never change.