Anyone want to mod mw3?

Must have-
Mod menu
Public Mods
Account name on xbox-
L3G3T XimpactX
Just looking for fun

Hi my name is Alex and I’m the guy to play with you

I’m creeped out. What the hell dude!

Snake you have Xbox 360

Snake has xbox and I’m sure he would love to play MW3 with you

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I… I… I don’t know how to respond here… I don’t want to play. @Mummy I’m scared

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i do when can u do the mod


Hey My Gamer Tag Is StRaIHtSmOoThY on xbox 360 mw3 and I was wondering if you could help me get my rank and stats back on there because my dumb ass reset my stats thinking I got to keep my guns and everything and that only my kd and everything would be started new please and thank you