ARK: Survival Ascended Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

ARK: Survival Ascended
This is the official discussion topic of the ARK: Survival Ascended Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. No Torpor
4. Unlimited Oxygen
5. Unlimited Food
6. Unlimited Water
7. Unlimited Weight
8. Unlimited Engram Points
9. Mega Exp
10. Unlimited Items
11. Unlimited Durability
12. Items Don't Spoil
13. Set Movement Speed
14. Set Swimming Speed
15. Set Jump Height
16. Easy Craft
17. Set Gravity

Important Notes:

Click here to view important information about these cheats.

Launch game through Steam without BattlEye. Works with local games only.


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 04/10/2024
    Started development

  • 04/10/2024
    Released trainer with 17 cheats

  • 04/11/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 08/13/2024
    Items Don’t Spoil cheat added
    Updated notes

  • 01/21/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/07/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 02/12/2025
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 17 cheats

The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

All cheats work, except for one, the one-hit kill feature doesn’t work.

Is it possible to update the Xbox PC version sometime?

sry eng so bad.^translate from japanese^

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

すべてのチート機能は機能しますが、1 つの例外として、ワンヒット キル機能が機能しません。

Xbox PC バージョンをいつかアップデートすることは可能ですか?

Hello, im interested in upgrade to pro version if that helps but im wondering why mod isnt working on official servers , trying to duplicate some resources but it seems is just a visual bug because doesnt duplicate at all, or should i wait for an update?

The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Items Don't Spoil cheat added

For some reason the Unlimited Health option turns my skin red in first person. I’ve checked with the other options, and they are fine, it’s just the health one that turns the skin red in first person.

How to disable Battleye at xbox game pass. I cannot found battleye option when lunch the game. Please help me

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The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Same question here

How does this work with Game pass please?

The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

The ARK: Survival Ascended cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements